Thursday 17 March 2011

Peer Feedback on final opening sequence

1. Describe the type of camerawork which has been used. Do you think it's effective, and why?

-Good longshot, POV and close-up
-POV shot related the the genre
-good closeup on phone
-phone shot was too long
-good variety

2. What type of sound has been used? Does it work with the visuals? How?

-The soundtrack was tension building
-soundtrack wasn't clear
-music fitted with genre
-non diegetic and diegetic sounds worked together
-the diegetic sounds made story clear

3. How has the mise-en-scene been constructed? does it have an impact on the thriller genre?

-could have used better lighting. The narrative shows it is a thriller but the mise-en-scene isn't clear
-could have had better poles (props)
-good casual costume

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